Activox® Ivy Lozenges
Activox® Ivy Lozenges

Activox® Lozenges contain ivy, which has a soothing effect on the respiratory tract.

To offer the best quality, Activox® Lozenges were specially formulated to be sugar-free. With their original flavor of mint and Alpine plants, Activox® lozenges give you a pleasant, lasting feeling of freshness.

Dietary supplements. Lozenges.

  • Adults: Take 4 to 6 lozenges per day, to be taken throughout the day (at least 2 hours between each one).
  • Children ages 10 to 15: Take 3 to 4 lozenges per day, to be taken throughout the day (at least 2 hours between each one).
  • Children ages 6 to 9: Take 2 to 3 lozenges per day, to be taken throughout the day (at least 2 hours between each one).
  • Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should seek advice from their doctor.
  • Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.
  • Dietary supplements must not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
  • Keep out of reach of young children.

Activox® Lozenges contain polyols. Consuming too many may have a laxative effect.

Activox®: ivy to help you breathe easily! 

Arkopharma Laboratories used their expertise in phytotherapy to specially develop Activox® Lozenges. Their formula is made from English ivy, rigorously selected by Arkopharma Group experts.


English ivy is a perennial plant originally from Europe, Asia, and North Africa. European herbalists used this plant long ago to aid with urinary comfort and liver health.

Today, the leaves of English ivy are used in phytotherapy to soothe the respiratory tract.

Description of ingredients

Sweeteners: isomalt, acesulfame potassium - Extract of ivy (Hedera helix L.) leaf - Mint and Alpine plant flavoring - Acidulent: citric acid.

Average nutritional information

For 1 lozenge 3 lozenges 6 lozenges
Ivy leaf extract 30 mg 90 mg 180 mg

Activox® Ivy Lozenges

Activox® Lozenges contain ivy, which has a soothing effect on the respiratory tract.

To offer the best quality, Activox® Lozenges were specially formulated to be sugar-free. With their original flavor of mint and Alpine plants, Activox® lozenges give you a pleasant, lasting feeling of freshness.

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